Saturday, January 26, 2013

Jumbled Thoughts

   It has been brought to my attention that I have not wrote/posted on my blog for sometime now. It isn't that I haven't wanted to but when something comes to mind that I would like to post about I am usuall out in the barn, fields or at a meeting where i can't do it then and by the time i get to a computer i have forgotten what my actual thoughts were.
   It would be nice to be able when those thoughts come along to hit a "save" button somewhere on the body and retain that info for a later time. But we all know we don't have such a button only our brain which has zillions of thoughts scrambling around in there bumping into each other and one trying to over ride the other. So we remember what we preceive is most important.
   With the farm operation to manage, the leadership aspect of the elected position in the dairy sector and then the political side with Farm Bureau policy, my mind has a lot going on in there. I often times wonder how I remember what I do.
But no matter what is floating around in my head I still believe in tell others what is happening on the farm. Farmers and Ranchers are the only ones who truely know what it is like to be tilling the land and caring for the livestock that produce the food and fiber that they and their city cousins need to survive.  We must continue to tell our story.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Animal Care

Last evening I got a notice of a video coming out today on the mistreatment of calves on a farm in Texas.  So I logged in and started to watch the video so I could know the content of the video.  I only watched the first few seconds of it, got mad and shut it off.   Several reason I could not watch it.

1.  I could not stand ot understand why they were treating the calves that way.  I/my wife raises our baby calves for our replacements and no way would I or she or any of our employees treat our calves in this manner that I saw. 

2.  It upsets me that if this video is not staged that who ever is doing the videoing would not "love the animals" enough to stopp this abuse,  No where in the part I saw did it show any faces of those doing the abuse, another reason to think it was a staged video or at least the opening was.

3.  Calves grow up to be cows, our,the dairymans lively hood so why abuse what eventually will be making your living?  Calves are live children the more you teach them and care for them the more they will respect you and produce for you.

I do not condone abuse to any of our livestock and will take hash action against anyone who does and have stressed this to my employees in their training sessions.  I stress that these animals is what pays their salaries, provides a roof over their heads so you  better care for them or you won't have either.  So I have a great group of employees who I cn rely on and with cameras in our materinty pens I know they pay attention to details.

Just my thoughts.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

FFTF without Regionalization?????

A lot is being said, pros & cons, about the NMPF's Foundation For The Future in the past few weeks.  The dairy industry needs something to help substain it if it is to continue supplying the nutrient rich products needed  for human health.  Dairy producers cannot go thru another 2009 low price cycle. However today the margin is no better then 2009 as imput costs have soared to record levels while milk prices have improved but the margin is not there.  Dairy producers don't really want to get "rich" they just want to be able to pay there bills and have a lifestyle comparable to those working in factorys.

I feel FFTF is a start but it needs to be tweeked.  Most parts of it will benifit producers across the country but the supply management side is not taking into consideration the deficient production areas.  If passed and when the trigger is met to reduct supply because on the whole the U.S. is over producing why penalize deficient areas?  These deficient areas will have to reduce the same as everyone else while still bringing in milk from other parts of the U.S. to supply the market plus bring in the reduced amount.  This only costs the producers in the deficient who belong to marketing agencys within the areas because the agencies have to supplement the cost for the transportation into the deficient area.  This takes money from the producers pay price

Regionalization is something we all try to get away from but sometimes it is inevidial that it be used to help support producersd and consumers in that area.  FFTF will work even without regionalization if deficent production areas are taken into account when building the policy.

Just my thoughts.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The New Year?????

   2010 has done left us and a new calender year is here.  But what has changed?  Did our surrounds change?  Did the cows change their habits?   What really changed when the clock stuck 12 midnight on December 31?

    I went to bed early that night.  I haven't set up to see the calender year change for a long time now.  but when I got up at 4 on January 1, 2011 I saw nothing different.  The things in the house looked the same, the dairy barn was right where it was the night before, so I could not see what we had gained from the night before. 

   Life causes change to happen every day.  A lot of us don't like some of the changes that life deals us but we must except it and more on.  a lot of folks say "boy I hope 2011 is a better year then 2010".  Ok now "better" in what way?  Financially, heatlh wise or just better?

We go about our hectic life always wanting something better.  But over the course of a calender year things changes and we have to adapt or get lost in the shuffle of things.  Life waits for no one it goes on and on and on. 

So may you have a Happy New Year ALL year long and maybe on December 31, 2011 you can say  This has been a great year but I hope 2012 is "better".

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas From Rowlett's Dairy Farm in this Campbellsburg, Kentucky town......

It seems like it has been a long year since with paper and pencil I did set down...

To write to my dear Family and Friends Christmas Greetings and the news from 2010...

It has been a year of so many emotions for me and my kin....Well, let me begin....

The death of our precious Father on the 3rd of was really so sudden and unexpected to say...

At age 95 Daddy still had a simple three point philosophy of life that he always held true each day...

" Number One.... Have a job to do each day...even if just working on a puzzle...or mowing a field...

Number three meals each day...not that fast food stuff....but home cooked ...that is real..

Number Three... and...most good to God because He has sure been good to me!"

What wonderful memories of a Dad we did so love and miss, but know again in Heaven we will see.

Running this farm without the help and advice of my Dad has been a challenge for sure...

But with everyone pitching in and doing their part it has made it easier to endure..

Wife Sandy still raises all the baby calves...spoiling each of them...that is clear...

Sister Sharon was the "go for" and mowed everything with the sero turn this past year...

And Oscar and Rosa, man what can we say....they are right here with us each and every day...

Milking and feeding...or doing any other chore that comes their way!

Still serving as a Kentucky Farm Bureau District 6 Director and on the Board of DFA*

It is a privilege to serve farm people and I strive to do the best each and every day....

We need to be advocates and spokesmen to preserve our way of life on the family farm...

It is a life I love...a lot of long days and hard work...but I so love this rural charm!

My wish for you, my family and friends as this year 2010 quickly winds down...

Is that you will have good health, and always a smile...and not a frown...

That you will have resources enough to make ends meet....

And follow the philosophy of my sure is neat!

                               MERRY CHRISTMAS


* Dairy Farmers of America

Sunday, December 12, 2010

   On this cold windy morning the dairy farmer is out doing the milking and feeding of his cows and heifers while other people in agriculture are still snuggled up in bed or having a warm breakfast with a cup of hot coffee. The dairy farmer will get his when he finishes his chores which maybe 10 or 11 o'clock if everything goes as it should and he has no problems.  He/She will do what ever it takes to see that the animals are fed and cared for before he/she goes in to warm his/her body from the frigid chill.

   On any given morning a number of problems can arise, the water fountain is not working, the silo unloader needs lowering or has a belt broken on it, the bobcat has been starting everyday till this morning, for some unusual reason a gate suddenly came off its hinges and allowed groups of cows to get mixed which now need to be separated, notice a calf with a snotty nose or a cow with a lame foot, the strong wind blew the conveyor belt off the belt feeder while feeding the TMR ration or the TMR mixer sheared a bolt just as you got all the silage, hay and grain mix in it.  It seems this cold morning the problems never stop but they must be attended to before chores are done.

   A farmer is a person who has to be a "jack of all trades" and a master of even more.  He/She has to be able to adapt to a situation in a split second and then revert back to what was happening before.

   So on this cold windy Sunday morning how about stopping for just a second when you are drinking your glass of milk, putting milk/cream in your coffee or milk on your cereal and THANK a dairy farmer who has yet to get into the house for his breakfast because he/she has made sure the cows have been cared for FIRST.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


    We as human beings take a lot for granted.  We never go to bed thining we might not wake up the next morning, W assume we will see all our friends at the next meeting,  We will have good health forever.  But in the end we have no control on any of this.
    We must cultivate our fiends on a daily bases.  We need to connec with them if for no other reason but to say "Hello"  When was the last time you called a friend to just say "Thank You for being my friend"?  Friendships are like neighbors, they are only as good as you make them.
    While attending a lot of meetings I come in contact with a lot of people.  I like to hear wht is going on in their areas but really hate to hear about their personal lifes as sometimes it is depressing.  Besides if I stand and listen to theirs then I expect them to stand and listen to mine.  :)
   In agriculture we are small in number but feed a world of people from what we do.  Everyone else takes their food supply for granted but just stop and think "What would you do if tomorrow you went to the store and could not get the foods you wanted?"  Would you be calling a "farmer" to ask what had happened or blame him for not producing?  Just think about it.

There is so much we take for granted because we still live in a country that gives us the freedom to do so.  In some parts of the world this is not possible due to economic conditions beyond the control of the people living there. 

So if you have read this then maybe you should just stop for one minute and look around you.....What things do you take for granted?  Will they always be there?  Will you always be able to say "Hello" to that special person or your friend?  Life is short no matter what age you are so enjoy it today and everyday by making new friends and tell the ones you have how important they are to you.

A big thank You to those who have read this.